CE.cns.all.fa.gz : The whole genome sequence of Macaca fascicularis CE.length.gz : The length of each scaffold . CE.cds.fa.gz : The final cds sequences of prediction genes . CE.pep.fa.gz : Protein sequence of each gene. Translated from corresponding cds sequence . CE.gff.gz : The final genes of CR in gff2 format. Genes predicted by homolog and denovo method .GLEAN was used to combine those two genes set . CE.ipr.gz : Interpro annotation by iprscan4.7 CE.kegg.gz : Kegg annotation by blasted against KEGG database . CE.wego.gz : Wego annotation by statistics of GO annotation . CE.genome.depth.gz : File contain reads depth information of every position in whole genome . Transcriptome data : The information of transcriptome data of this tissue. Map reads of RNA-seq to reference genome and calculate of depth/rpkm. *.depth.gz : This file show the raw information of RNA reads depth of every position in whole genome *.coverage.wig.gz : The depth information in wig format . Each lines means : start position , end postion, how many reads mapped in each position in this region . *.rpkm.gz : RPKM information of each genes . The information of align reads to genome had been transformed to gene expression levels.