[DOI] 10.5524/100863 [Title] Supporting data for "Evaluating short-term forecasting of COVID-19 cases among different epidemiological models under a Bayesian framework."" [Release Date] 2021-01-28 [Citation] Li, Q; Bedi, T; Lehmann, CU; Xiao, G; Xie, Y (2021): Supporting data for "Evaluating short-term forecasting of COVID-19 cases among different epidemiological models under a Bayesian framework."" GigaScience Database. https://dx.doi.org/10.5524/100863 [Data Type] Software,Bioinformatics [Data Summary] Forecasting of COVID-19 cases daily and weekly has been one of the challenges posed to governments and the health sector globally. To facilitate informed public health decisions, the concerned parties rely on short-term daily projections generated via predictive modeling. We calibrate stochastic variants of growth models and the standard SIR model into one Bayesian framework to evaluate and compare their short term forecasts. We implement rolling-origin cross-validation to compare the short-term forecasting performance of the stochastic epidemiological models and an autoregressive moving average model across 20 countries that had the most confirmed COVID-19 cases as of August 22, 2020. None of the models proved to be a gold standard across all regions, while all outperformed the autoregressive moving average model in terms of the accuracy of forecast and interpretability. [File Location] https://s3.ap-northeast-1.wasabisys.com/gigadb-datasets/live/pub/10.5524/100001_101000/100863/ [File name] - [File Description] readme_100863.txt - BayesEpiModels-master.zip - Archival copy of the GitHub repository https://github.com/liqiwei2000/BayesEpiModels downloaded 15-Jan-2021. BayesEpiModels. This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Please refer to the GitHub repo for most recent updates. [License] All files and data are distributed under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), unless specifically stated otherwise, see http://gigadb.org/site/term for more details. [Comments] [End]